Data entry and word processing

<p>The data entry and word processing course represents the best option for those looking for an impressive collection of basic and advanced information in dealing with computers, as its content is commensurate with the requirements of the computer age, in addition to its adoption by government and private agencies, where it is calculated in the service bureau with four full points sufficient to qualify for an additional rank. As for companies, the name of the course for them is well known, as the certificate of data entry and word processing qualifies for many and many jobs available these days that are related to data entry via the computer, whether the job is a data entry, secretarial, sales organization or even you can move up the ladder The job of the organization in which you work. Program Advantages: Qualification is made to enter the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training tests. Accredited by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation. Approved by the Ministry of Civil Service, equivalent to six months.</p>

Course contents

Computer basics and operating system

Use the keyboard in Arabic and English.

Format and word processing.

Fundamentals of spreadsheets.

Data exchange between Microsoft office programs.

بيانات المدرب غير كاملة ونعمل علي أكتمالها في الوقت الحالي